Sunday, July 5, 2009

Thing #20

There are some fun teaching videos available to me. I found a couple of fun library videos. One was a librarian doing a cute invitation with some hip music going on around her. She even added a little dance, which would be so fun for students to laugh and pay attention to. The other I am adding as an embedded link. It looks like it was done with
It looks like it was done with several kids and the library staff. It was very cute and student centered for an orientation. I liked the simple words that are displayed for directions for the library. I want to find out how to make a video like this for orientation.
With You Tube, I found a Colony Map Brain Rap. It was a rap to learn the 13 colonies. The singer gave a visualization with mneumonic cues for the learner to key in on. I could have used this with my fifth graders. I will incorporate this with my fifth grade classes this next year.
I also added the tool of
Blinkx for searching for videos. Visuals are so important to the lesson. You can say so much more with pictures or visuals.


  1. this is not looks more like PPT or PhotoStory, but we can guide you in creating any or all of these!

  2. Thank you. I really would like to learn animoto. I think that is a "thing" coming soon.

  3. Once you start using all of the video links and things like'll wonder how you ever did things before.
    After working summer school I learned how much the kids enjoy animotos...they wanted to make them all of the time...
