Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Thing #9

I found the Superglu site easiest to use because I was looking specifically for blogs from school librarians or someone attached to the profession. The Topix site was much harder to navigate. I was looking for school librarian and got very wide topics, mostly updated news stories. It took a little more advance searching to come up with some specific blogs. I found the feed from Doug Johnson's Blue Skunk blog. I was very excited to find he has an RSS. I added it to my feed for the igoogle. An unusual blog was the http://www.boingboing.net/ site. Today was fashion day at "Boing Boing gadgets." Blogs for the day included a social networking shoe; a review of the bluetooth headset that Heidi Klum wears, and a touch-sensitive hoodie that lights up and plays tunes. The picture left if of the touch sensitive hoodie from Leah Buechley. She designed this hoodie at the MIT Media Lab using a LilyPad Arduino, power supply, LEDs, tiny speaker and iron conductive fabric. The creative energy of our future generations is very encouraging as an educator.


  1. You are moving along great...and it looks as if you are exploring things that you will find you can use with your position...that's the best thing...when you learn something you can actually use. I use most of the web 2.0 tools with the students at RCe....

  2. Thank you for the comment. I am excited to find all of these tools and will definitely use them with the students in the library.
