Sunday, June 21, 2009

Thing #12

Reading this post has helped me to refine or shape my blogging experience. It feels like part of the growing experience. I can walk with blogging, but must avoid the slips and trips of walking. The first point I found interesting is from Cool Cat's blog. She says " I think that as an edublogger, I think commenting is one of the most meaningful tools that we have to show experts where they need to focus." I never thought about my comments actually helping to shape the areas of needed focus for those "talking brains" in our industry of education. Maybe this opens a whole forum for connecting those on the frontlines with teaching with those generals using strategy back in the main bunkhouse. How powerful is that! Doug Johnson said "But I have been thinking about Levin's statement in relationship to a unique characteristic of blogging - that it can be more dialog than sermon. Lately, I've been trying to hold up my end of the conversation by being more diligent about taking the time to comment and react to the ideas of other bloggers." I remember when I was taking my library science courses, I read Doug Johnson's Blue Skunk blog and made a comment about the connection between high stake testing and the library. He responded to me, even on the low hierarchial level that I felt I was on, and his comments back have cemented a very firm view I have of the correlation between student's success and the library. Commenting back to others could be the answer to affirming our views and growing from others.
I found a personal interest blog with Grandma's House. She had a blog on "The Seven Laws of Grandparenting." So many people think being a grandparent has to be the end of life when your life is on the downswing. I have to tell the secret, being a grandparent is the BEST SEASON IN LIFE. So I was able to blog with her concerning the joy of being a grandparent and the oh so fun life of playing with our grandchildren. They are the joy of my existence.
The second one of personal interest I found was . I love to write and read poetry. This blog has some fun children't poetry as well as some great lines for adults. I will be following this blog more often just for the aesthetic part of life. I love reading original lines that are current and now.


  1. isn't it great how we get to share with each other thru the blogging community? Since we often find ourselves isloated as in being the only one on a campus, it is so good we can share thru community commenting this way! and to get to share with leaders such a s Blue Skunk is an extra plus!

    Look forward to learning lots from you.

  2. I have found that I get lost reading the blogs adding so much information....I have a few that I constantly read....just because they keep me updated on the library world. Sometimes I loose track of time as I go from blog to blog...

  3. I also get lost in blogs. Try looking at one called Pioneer Woman...full of recipes, photos and a wonderful love story about the blogger!

  4. I am finding my way to navigate them better using the technorati. It seems tags do help.

  5. I am a grandmother-to-be so I looked up "The Seven Laws of Grandparenting" and have added it to my favorites. I am learning so much from others by reading their blogs.
